Friday, April 1, 2011

Mad Dash for the Bulletin

Mad Dash for the Bulletin
Brenda Reeves Sturgis

My bulletin arrived today
with cool kites on the cover.
I anxiously anticipate
a treasure I’ll discover.

The contents page, the notes and news,
remembering the best,
The poems and articles inside
will all be well addressed.

Awards, objectives, marketing,
art tips, a sweet design.
The bulletin with tea and toast,
is mine and solely mine!

My bath is drawn! The bubbles bob,
with candles all aflame.
Immersed for hours in the tub,
I’m hunting for my name!

With one mad dash, disaster strikes,
my child’s soon afloat,
and as for my loved bulletin,
it’s now a Barbie’s boat!

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